Everyone has heard that tanning booths are bad for you. Since tanning booths are advertised so much for being dangerous to your skin, the sun is put on the back burner. However, the sun and tanning booths are equally unsafe. The ultraviolet rays from both could lead to cancer because the signals in cells that cause you to tan seem to be DNA damage. Mutations in any of your cells may lead to cancer. Therefore, the DNA damage that is caused by ultraviolet rays could develop into cancer. The body produces vitamin D with the help of ultraviolet rays; however only a little is needed.
We have grown up in a society that tells us what we should look like or what “pretty” is. Unfortunately, tan complexion is one of the things Americans see as what we should like. But is it really worth the risk of cancer just to be tan? I think that if more people were educated on how many people are really affected by skin cancer it would change their minds about hitting the tanning booth.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcSo-wb3okI&feature=relatedIf you want to protect your skin and keep it looking young read the article in the link below.