A new program has been developed that involves strength training to reduce ACL injuries in women. ACL injuries affect many women especially those who play sports. There have been other programs developed to prevent this injury but many require the use of special equipment. The researchers doing this study wanted to find something that was easy enough to fit into any team practice. This study found a 41% decrease in the reported number of ACL injuries. If you participate in sports and want to prevent an injury that could take months to recover from this seems to be a beneficial program.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/14/health/nutrition/14exer.html?_r=2&ref=health&oref=slogin&oref=sloginThe study was published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine. The PEP program or The Prevention Injury and Enhance Performance Program are explained in detail and a chart is also given to show the different activities. This program involves a warm-up, stretching, strengthening, plyometrics, and agility.
http://ajs.sagepub.com/cgi/content/full/36/8/1476 To learn more about the anatomy of the knee and how complex it is watch:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTV5Yo3E7VQ&feature=relatedInjuries of the knee:
Women having a higher risk of tearing their ACL is a big deal because women play sports like men, especially when comparing high school athletes
Great topic and women have a higher risk of tearing there ACl is a huge deal. I know 4 of my friends that have torn there ACl's and its a long recovery.
This is a good topic because you hear about women, and men athletes who have this happen to them all the time and it is such a devastating injury. Anything that you can do to try and avoid this is great.
This was a good topic to talk about because there are many ACL injuries in both women and men. And with it being the knee a lot of times it can be a career ending injury. I know a handful of people that have injured there ACL’s, and it took them a long time before they could even get nearly as close as they were before the knee injury. Of the girls I know that injured her ACL couldn’t compete anymore in her athletic sport due to her injuring her ACL two times with in four years. It is good that groups are finally trying to prevent this injury from happening.
good topic . many people prob only associate an acl with like a football player in the nfl. but there are alot of sports that women play to that can injure your acl.
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