Monday, September 22, 2008

Lacking Energy?

As college students, we know what it feels like to run low on energy. However, not many know what actually causes us to lose energy or how to gain it back properly. This blog will contain three main factors that influence the increase and decrease of energy. For more information, you can visit

Even though college is supposed to be one of the best times of your life college students put a lot of stress on themselves. The thing that they don’t realize is stress can lead to fatigue, headaches and backaches. People who lead a stressful lifestyle often don’t have enough time to prepare a healthy meal. Small amounts of chocolate have known to be helpful because it has an energy and mood stimulant. The caffeine and L – theanine that is in tea decreases mental fatigue, improves alertness, reaction time, and memory.

Dieting is the next big factor in determining energy levels. If people don’t get the proper amount of fuel they will feel weak and lightheaded. Most people eat three big meals a day and stuff themselves. Studies have shown that eating small regular meals and snacks every three to four hours will help keep energy up without overeating.

Probably one of the biggest problems around campuses is lack of sleep. We deprive ourselves of sleep, which drains our energy needed for the next day. Eating the right food can help boost your energy for the day without overeating. Foods with vitamin B 12 helps prevent fatigue; it influences melatonin, which regulates sleep cycles. People who have trouble sleeping at night should eat carbs before they sleep because it is a comfort food.


Kalli said...

I really enjoyed reading your posting. Even though a lot of people know this information people still choose to sleep 4 hours a night, eat junk and stress out over everything absolutely possible. Another big problem in females is dieting and lack of eating, and how both of those can decrease your energy level. Eating properly and sleeping are so important especially in college students. Nice Job!

Ian Hunter said...

It is funny that you said something about people having trouble sleeping at night because i always wake up at around 3 or 4 in the morning for a few minutes and i can't seem to shake it. Even if it is a night that i go out and dont get to bed till 2 or 3 i still end up waking up at 4 or 5. I am going to have to try that card thing see if it works.

Kaity said...

I liked reading your blog. I agree so much with your blog stress and not eating propery is my problem of always being exhausted at school. I feel as though alot of college students know why they are so tired , its just hard for them to change their way of life being away from home. You did a very good job on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Those are some good tips. I'll have to try to incorporate a few into my routine and see how they work now that finals are coming up.

Kristin said...

I think this is a perfect blog, especially for college students. I was always excessivley full of energy until I came to college, the homesickness set in, the first scary feeling of being independent, the work load. Needless to say; I became tired more than I ever had been, I didn't feel as bubbley and happy as usual and that was because I let stress get the best of me. Now I learn to put my health needs first, if I want to go to bed instead of going out, I do - it's my body that will feel terrible the next day; and the same goes for every other point you mentioned in this blog. I personally feel that a person determines their own mood and energy (or lack thereof)based on the decisions we make. Great tips!